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What Can Nikki Haley Expect in 2024?

Few in the GOP have navigated the turbulent Trump era like Nikki Haley.

The former South Carolina Governor has navigated the turbulent Trump era with prowess that could serve her well if she decides to enter the 2024 Presidential contest.

Her interaction with the GOP’s Trump-era began in 2016 while she was still Governor of South Carolina.

At the time, she described being “embarrassed” by then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump, decrying his reluctance to condemn white supremacists.

Nine months after she made those remarks, she joined Trump’s cabinet and served a vital role as a validator at a time when Trump wished to assert dominance and win the favor of foreign leaders.

Then, shortly after Trump left the White House, Haley maintained her loyalty to the former President, insisting she wouldn’t seek the Oval Office in 2024 if Trump threw his hat into the ring.

Yet, that could change on Wednesday (January 15), when Haley is set to become the biggest Republican — besides Trump — to enter the Presidential race.

Veteran GOP strategist Terry Sullivan explained Haley pulling off a 2024 Presidential candidate would be a “high-wire act,” adding that the 51-year-old Haley had always been considered the “underdog” and would be again in the upcoming race.

While Haley is expected to be the first Republican to officially contest Trump for the election, about a dozen others, will also enter the race, many of whom are anticipated to perform better than the former South Carolina Governor. There are even suggestions that some of those who could join Trump and Haley in their 2024 announcements could be more popular than the latter.

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