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Senator Attacks Trump Bible

Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia criticized former President Donald Trump for commercializing the Bible by selling it for $60, in collaboration with country singer Lee Greenwood. As the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Warnock expressed his disapproval during a CNN interview, stating that the Bible doesn’t need Trump’s endorsement and comparing Trump’s actions to the biblical account of Jesus expelling money changers from the temple.

Warnock also mentioned Trump’s previous commercial ventures, such as Trump Steaks and the now-closed Trump University, highlighting their controversies and legal issues. He depicted Trump’s venture into selling Bibles as part of a pattern of questionable business practices, suggesting it was inappropriate and ironic given Trump’s past and the Bible’s teachings.

The senator from Georgia voiced concerns about the incongruity between Trump’s actions and the teachings of the Bible, hinting that those who purchase the Bibles might be reminded of its moral teachings, which could reflect poorly on Trump. He emphasized the risk Trump was taking by engaging in the sale of religious texts, given his history and the ethical teachings of the Bible.

During Holy Week, leading up to Easter, Trump promoted these Bibles, calling the scripture his favorite book and lamenting the perceived absence of religion and Christianity in the United States. He urged for their revival in the country.

The sales of these $60 Bibles are set to benefit Trump financially, as he is expected to earn royalties from them, although the specifics of this arrangement remain undisclosed.

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